lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Habitation Certificates and Suma, April 2010

Habitation Certificates:

As you might all have read in the press, finally the town hall is issuing the famous papers. We are still pushing and also investigating all the ones which have been without until now.

It was said that in Bosque de Las Lomas I, II and III no certificates can be issued, because the pools do not have a certificate of end of building (Final de obra) and most probably are not included in the initial project. But we did find out that this is not the case. All pools are in the initial project and have a building licence. The fact that the Final de Obra is missing will have to be assumed by the town hall as the builder is not existing anymore.

Pinada Golf I and II as well as Laguna III have deficiencies which make it impossible that the municipal technician issues a positive report. But as the town hall did let these deficiencies happen, most probably there will be a political agreement between the various parties (ruling and opposition) in which will be decided to take over as it is. This will require some time.

- We recommend to those house owner or community presidents who do not have their habitation certificate yet and who cannot apply at their builders office because it does not exist anymore and there is no further address of the builder, to apply directly at the town hall indicating that the builder is not available anymore.

We are sorry that things move in such a slow motion manner, but at least something has been achieved.


Some house owners do pay Suma taxes since a long time even without having their habitation certificate. Some others are not registered in Suma yet. Once the town hall issues the HC, automatically a note will go to Suma and they will send you than a letter claiming the taxes. They can claim up to 4 years in the past. Usually they do charge also the fine for not paying in time, but they are not allowed to do so.
We therefore recommend to all owners who receive such a letter to go to Suma to object to the fine (20%!!) and only pay the really due amount.

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