lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Trees is Pau 26, march 2010

Planted trees in Pau 26

Of course Los Verdes are happy about every tree which is planted, but we would like to point out the following: Pau 26 was illegally used by the garbage company as a “transit” deposit for green waste. After denouncing this and many protest of neighbours living near Pau 26, already last year in a Town Hall meeting it was decided that Pau 26 is not used anymore for this purpose and that the plot has to be restored to its original state (with trees). Of course this was suppose to be carried out by Mr. Fenoll respectively the garbage company. Now in March Councillor Aniorte makes it the “Day of the Tree” with nice photos and positive publicity and school children planting trees.
So what happened to Mr. Fenoll? Did he pay a fine? Did he make the work? Did he at least pay for the trees or did we all with our taxes pay for these trees?????
We will find out!

Pleno March 2010

There is no resume of the last pleno, as it was a short one with no relevant points regarding the Coast or the budget.

1 comentario:

  1. I am really surprised that Los Verdes have the gall to make this comment as if the proposal made by the party in April 2009 had gone ahead,
    "Los Verdes request the Council that an exchange is made between the use of the two plots of land, in that the PAU-26 area is used for the Eco-park" (against the wishes of, and without consultation with, the residents of the area) the plot of land would have been covered with concrete.

    Without the help of Los Verdes the residents saved PAU 26 .

    I would remind you of the wording in my letter of resignation from Los Verdes "I do not agree with the alternative location proposal for the recycling depot put forward to the Ayuntamiento by Los Verdes, without I would point out any prior consultation with the residents that will be directly affected, for the recycling depot. The proposal fails to protect either the quality of life of the residents or the environment of the area. It is an unacceptable compromise of principles".

    You might find my article Euro Weekly News article 'Orihuela school children do their bit for the environment' is a load of 'Utter Tosh' about the tree planting of interest.
