lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Pleno January 2010

Resumé of Pleno of 26.01.2010, costal matters

- PP applied to modify the land destination of a plot of land in Playa Flamenca from „Ocio y recreo“ (leasure) into „comercial“. It is a plot of land where are situated a few bars but also the Scandinavian school. Changing the destination would mean, that the whole complex could be converted in something like “Via Park IV”. Los Verdes do not agree with this change, as the residents of Laguna III did buy their properties considering that this area would be for “ocio y recreo” and not to have in front of their house a commercial centre highly frequented especially during night hours. This decision would be in favour of some town hall “friends” but against the neighbours and citizens.
VOTED: all opposition parties against it.
Accepted with the majority of the ruling party PP.

- PP applied to create a new job “Director of Security”. It is already decided who would get this job. The yearly expense for the Town Hall for that salary would be 53.000.- €. Until now, this job did not exist, so the question rises Who did the work until now?? It is only short time ago, that the salary of the councillor of security has been raised as she had a lot work. So will this salary be reduced again??
VOTED: all opposition parties against it.
Accepted with the majority of the ruling party PP.

Los Verdes have asked again officially about the bad service given through the official Web page of the Town Hall:
- Extension numbers of departments are not mentioned
- No translation for the application of building licences and the documentation to be presented.
- No translation of the various “Ordenanazas” (Town Laws)
- No information at all about how to register at the Padrón, no translation, no opening hours of that office, AND NO FORM TO APPLY FOR THE RIGHT TO VOTE AS A EUROPEAN CITIZEN.
- Education: No list or links to the different schools of the Costa. There is a form to apply for a school place, but if you do not know Spanish, it is hard to find.
- Immigration: There is a lot of legal text, but no important information for future citizens, no matter if European or Non-European.
- Official decisions towards citizens (fines etc.) are not published.
Los Verdes say that due to this lack in the official web site of the Town Hall, foreigners have to visit the private web page of the Coastal asesor, Mr. Prokoppa, which is used mainly to transmit publicity for the ruling party PP.

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